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Freelance Content Writer for Lynn Fitho

Oh my goodness! The community is growing, and through the community purchasing from the shop and some Google Adsense, the blog is looking to hire one more exceptional writer. Please note that you NEED to have a passion for writing and a strong grasp of SEO. Unfortunately, I will not be able to mentor you to be able to “copy write”. However, the good thing is that University students are more than welcome to apply.

The topics for the articles should be in-line with the Lynn Fitho blog. Career, side hustles, small business & personal finance. Yes, I know that the topics are a bit serious but we need the knowledge.

You will be responsible for research on the topic and writing the articles 1400 words + meta description

Please note that freelance money is paid out via Payoneer or directly into your SA Bank account


  • You have a strong command over written English. You can use slang, humor, idioms, and other techniques that would indicate native writing.
  • You understand the importance of writing for Search Engines, and aren’t afraid to weave in the required keywords to your natural writing on a topic.
  • You’re organized, reliable, and can work without a lot of day to day guidance.
  • You actually enjoy writing, this is a must (we love when our team loves what they do!).
  • You’re a lifetime learner, always looking for ways to improve yourself. – Google requirements are always changing


  • Create engaging content for the Lynn Fitho Community
  • Stay on trend with insights, tips, techniques, and best practices from the industry
  • Perform under tight deadlines to deliver your work
  • Edit or rewrite your content based on feedback from editors


  • L1 Writing English
  • Ability to accept feedback and adjust writing style according to our writing guidelines
  • Ability to accept feedback and adjust writing style according to our writing guidelines
  • Bonus: Student or Recent Graduate with these Majors: English, Journalism, Copy, Psychology or any research based program

What you’ll get:

  • To start : $13 / R250 per article
  • Please note that freelance money is paid out via Payoneer or directly into your SA Bank account every fortnight
  • Flexible deadlines
  • Clear expectations, detailed briefs, and writing guidelines
  • Freelance work opportunity

How to Apply

  1. A CV – even if you are a student, I want to get to know you
  2. A link to your portfolio : it can be work that is already online or a collection of your articles on google drive (only applications with this will be considered)

PLEASE PLEASE, do not submit any AI Written work or paraphrased work. No plagiarized work will be considered. Yes, I will check.

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