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Job Leads for You
One way to live your best life is to have a steady job that guarantees you an income. Here are some of my picks from the South African job market. You will see that there is a mixture of remote work, hybrid jobs and onsite work. When applying, use the big orange button at the bottom.
REMOTE Job Leads
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Meet the author
Welcome! I’m Lynn!
I love all things Human Resources + making money. With over 9 years of experience working as a Talent Acquisition specialist (recruiter) I can guide you towards the plugs to secure your future.
ps. if you need more personal assistance, you can book a time with me
Career Fair
This is a trusted career resource that will help you find a career which will fullfil you and lead you to success. Identify & reach your goals through helpful, actionable career tips, advice, and answers— without confusing jargon, false promises, fluff, or guilt trips.
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Take control of your finances
Fun, weird and quirky ways to make money. Some of the money hacks I have tried and some, I am waiting to hear feedback from you!
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Side Hustles + Money Tips
Thank goodness for the internet because not only do we get a lot of money making ideas but we can also make money online. Try and see which money making idea can bring you extra income.
Quick ideas
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One on One
So you have gone through all the resources and you want to take the next step to talk to me directly. You can work with me to reach your goals. With my 9 years of experience as a Talent Acquisition specialist + thriving Social Media presence, I am sure I can add value to your wealth building journey
Job Searching Tools
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