
How to Ask for a Reference from a Manager or Company in South Africa if You Didn’t Leave on Good Terms

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We don’t always leave work on best terms, whether you resigned or you were fired, sometimes our emotions get the best of us. How do you go back to ask for reference after a negative departure? In cases where the reference would really look good on your CV when you apply for other jobs in South Africa there is no other choice but to find a strategy of requesting the reference even after leaving on bad terms. The following examples will help you on how to strategically request a reference in South Africa after a negative departure. 

The Game Plan To Get A Reference In South Africa

1. Assess the Situation and Choose the Right Person

Even though you left on bad terms, there must be some good things that you have done. Amongst your supervisors or managers, choose the one person who appreciated your work the most and would likely give you a positive feedback. Consider the following;

  • Contacting a Direct supervisor can be the best option for you as they can provide more details on your reference about the work that you did with them.
  • If your departure was way more intense, it is advised you approach an HR representative as they are likely to be less biased and produce a general reference.
  • If you are not comfortable with the above options then a former colleague can also be useful and write you a character reference, which might be useful to some employers.

2. Be Honest and Acknowledge the Past

The best way to approach your former bosses after leaving on bad terms is to acknowledge the past and admit your contribution to the negative departure. This will reflect to your former employer as a person who has grown professionally since the departure and they might respond in a positive way. Pointers on how to approach your employer after a negative departure in South Africa:

  • Acknowledge your departure and concisely introduce your awareness of how you left the company.
  • Call attention to how you have grown professionally since you left, how the scenario brought positive changes and how you have improved and polished your skills.

3. Request a Factual Reference

If the circumstances prove that it’s highly unlikely to get a positive review then you can request for factual reference. Some employers prefer this kind of reference as they are not forced to lie about your character and efforts to the company. A factual reference in South Africa entails your job title, the duration you worked for the company and a short summary of your duties.

4. Keep Your Request Professional and Respectful

Make sure you are polite, professional and respectful when drafting your email request for reference after leaving on bad terms. Begin with expressing gratitude for the time you were employed with them and make sure you do not blame anyone for the past issues. Acknowledge your impact on the situation and highlight that you would cherish their help in moving forward. I think keep the eye on the ball – you want a reference for your new opportunity. At this point, even if you were the wronged party, just try and let it go for the sake of getting the reference as you are the one with something to lose.

Email Samples for Requesting a Reference in South Africa

The following email templates will help you on how to strategically ask for a reference based on the conditions of how you left:

Sample 1: General Reference Request

Subject: Reference Request for Future Job Applications

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I trust this email finds you well. Since leaving the company, I have been exploring new roles in (specify the industry).I am reaching out to request if you would be willing to provide a reference for me based on our work together at [Former Company]. I acknowledge that  my departure may not have been on good terms but I still highly appreciate the knowledge I gained from working with such an amazing team during my work there.

If it’s not a bother, I would be filled with gratitude to receive a reference from you that includes my job role, work duration and a summary of my duties. Thank you for considering my request, I would appreciate any assistance you can give me.

Thank you for your time and support.

Kind regards,
[Your Name]

Sample 2: Factual Reference Request

Subject: Request for Employment Verification Reference

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am looking to explore new opportunities and I believe a reference from (company name) will add significant value. I am requesting an employment verification reference, i would appreciate it if you could authenticate my employment details alongside the employment duration, my job role at (Company name) and the skills in (mention specific skill).

I acknowledge that I did not leave on good terms but I still appreciate the skills I have acquired working with you and I do not mind keeping the reference limited to factual information. I would appreciate any assistance you may offer.

Thank you in advance  for considering my request.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Sample 3: Acknowledging Past Issues with a Focus on Growth

Tittle: Reference Request for Future Opportunities

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I trust you are doing well. I am currently in the process of seeking out new opportunities and I realized that a reference from(company name) might add a positive weight on my application. I admit that my departure was not on a friendly basis and I feel remorseful for the misunderstanding we may have had. 

Since my departure I have been self motivated and enhanced my professional skills. If you are comfortable could you please provide a recommendation that touches my role and key contributions at (company name)? In my application I’m hoping to highlight the skills and experience I acquired while working for you particularly (mention skill). 

I would be grateful for any assistance you may offer.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and understanding.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]

Additional Tips for Requesting a Reference After Leaving on Bad Terms

  • After leaving a job on bad terms in South Africa, let the matter settle first before reaching out. Do not reach out  while the feelings are still high, in this way you can avoid being rejected when asking for reference after a bad exit.
  • Bear in mind that a reference is a favor.  Whether the person was not comfortable enough to give you the reference, it’s advisable to respect their decision and thank them for the feedback.  Responding positively might give the employer an impression that you have grown professionally since your bad departure. 
  • Do not give up if your employer did not give you the reference, look for other references from either colleagues or different jobs that are similar to the one you wanted.

It won’t be easy asking for a reference after leaving on bad terms, instead of giving up completely, use these tips to write your request strategically with a respective tone and showing remorse. The tone of your email can also change your fate and raise your chances of receiving that reference. Using these email samples as your guide may help you approach the matter delicately while maintaining professionalism. 

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