
Customer Care Representative for NCR | Onsite CT

About NCR

NCR Corporation (NYSE: NCR) is a leader in transforming, connecting and running technology platforms for self-directed banking, stores and restaurants. NCR is headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., with 38,000 employees globally. NCR is a trademark of NCR Corporation in the United States and other countries.

Reason for discussion:  Self-Cash Support Consultant Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Answer all incoming calls – irrespective how many calls you have taken prior.
  • Make the required outbound calls for your respective sites.
  • SC consultants to provide accurate and transparent comments when completing any self-cash ATM monitoring report. E.G., “Note jam – Site was advised, ATM offline – Site to restart, Cash/Cassettes out – Site was adv to load or SMS sent to site”. These comments will not be accepted as we require a dedicated contact person at site, a plan of action from the ATM custodian and follow up the next day to ensure the ATM custodian stick to their commitment.
  • SC consultants are responsible to engage with ATM custodians for their assigned sites and improve contactability E.G Escalate to ATMP/AM’s for assistance, request a site visit if you are unable to reach a specific site or if the ATM has been inactive for 2 days+.
  • SC consultants to capture the name of the person they troubleshooted with on their assigned reports/ SM after every intervention, provide accurate troubleshooting steps to ensure the ATM is fully operational and follow up with merchant.
  • Ensure all technical callouts logged on Spark manage was captured on the google callout master sheet to prevent delays in technician attendance, track the callouts, e.g., repeat callouts.
  • Event handling to be maintained and actioned within the same day, unless event assigned after hours. 
  • Standby responsible for after hours actioning with regards to emails, WhatsApp & calls E-mails to be actioned within the same day. All comments for all sites worked needs to be updated on BMPS. Reimbursements queries should not take longer than 1 week unless discussed with SC management. Standby person availability from 6am – 10pm daily and can only leave the office at 3pm during the week. Steps to follow regarding alerts:
  • Provide alert communication in the Technical Task Team Group for approval
  • Middleware alerts to be action within 10 minutes.
  • Further update within 25 minutes (detail of what is causing issues)
  • Further update until resolution within 1 hour (who have we escalated to and what is the ETA for resolution)
  • Morning screenshots for Standby should be sent out not later than 6:15am.
  • Evening screenshots for Standby should be sent from 9:45pm.
  • Shift Times – as per contract (however in the interim we will continue as per normal unless required).
  • General health system checks & group reports to be sent out thrice per day including Sundays.
  • Edge training to be completed within the stipulated timelines given by SC management.
  • Follow ups on all SC sites, when receiving a query via email, telephone, WhatsApp. This must be manged and followed up until resolved.

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